News Releases
Note: Starting July 2021, all new stories will appear under the home page mast head only.
July 3 The European Union Flattened the Curve With a Collective-Protection Strategy
June 25 When it Comes to Community Face Masks, Europe is Ahead of the Curve
June 12 Face Masks and Flattening the Curve Regionally
June 5 Top Performers Among Common Fabrics Tested to Block Virus-Like Particles
May 31 Fabrics Charge Up Filtering Efficiency of Cotton Used in Face Masks
2020 Visual News Released
June 12 WHO Issues New Face Mask Interim Recommendations
June 5 Top Filtration Performers from US Study--Graphic Release Supplement
May 31 SARS-CoV-2 Picture Story
From the Bog Side:
June Custom Face Mask Patterns Using Two Facial Measurements from YouTube
June Nano Silver & Zinc in Consumer Face Masks: Do We Need That?
SNS Ends Cloth Mask Filtration Efficiency Science
Distribution Via the Florida Press Assn. (FPA)
Science News Service (SNS) thanks FPA for it's support and distribution of news feeds since the beginning of the pandemic
The FPA kindly distributed all SNS news releases throughout every member news outlet in Florida starting at the beginning of the pandemic. With the advent of Covid-19 vaccines, SNS has changed focus to encouraging the public to closely monitor, and follow, CDC guidance about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and to practice that mitigation guidance at the local level, meaning in accordance with the infection rate of any individual state and in particular, any individual U.S. county at the present time. SNS appreciates FPA's desire to continue receiving Science News Service releases for free distribution and FPA's understanding that the service is no longer available after vaccines became approved.